JPA Querying

Chanuka Dinuwan
3 min readMar 5, 2023


Java persistence query language — JPQL

JPA (Java Persistence API) is a Java object-relational mapping (ORM) specification. It provides a set of APIs that allow developers to interact with databases in a standardized and convenient manner. JPQL (Java Persistence Query Language), used to retrieve data from the database, is one of JPA’s key features.

In this article, we’ll look more closely at JPA queries, discussing their syntax, usage, and best practices for writing them.

Syntax of JPA Queries:

JPA queries are typically written in JPQL, which is similar to SQL but explicitly designed for JPA. A JPQL query has the following basic syntax:

SELECT [DISTINCT] entity_alias FROM entity_name entity_alias [WHERE where_clause] [
GROUP BY groupby_clause] [HAVING having_clause] [ORDER BY orderby_clause] [ASC | DESC]

Let’s analyze the various components of the JPQL query syntax:

  1. SELECT: This specifies which columns to retrieve from the database. To ensure that only distinct values are returned, it can be followed by the DISTINCT keyword.
  2. entity alias: An alias for the entity that is being queried. It is used to refer to the entity throughout the query.
  3. Entity name: The name of the Java class that corresponds to a database table.
  4. WHERE: This specifies one or more conditions that must be met before a row is included in the query result.
  5. GROUP BY: Groups the query results by one or more columns.
  6. HAVING: This is used to specify conditions that groups must meet in order to be included in the query result.
  7. ORDER BY: specifies the order in which the query results should be sorted.
  8. ASC | DESC: This specifies the sorting order, which can be ascending or descending.

Usage of JPA Queries:

JPA queries can be used to do things like select data from one or more tables, filter data based on specific conditions, order data, group data, and aggregate data. JPA queries can also be used to perform database updates and deletions.

Here are some JPA queries written in JPQL:

  1. Select all entities of a particular type:
SELECT e FROM Entity e

where “Entity” refers to the Java class that corresponds to a database table.

2. Choose specific columns from an entity:


3. Entities should be chosen based on a specific condition:

SELECT e FROM Entity e WHERE = :name

Where “:name” is a named parameter that can be overridden with a query parameter.

4. Choose entities based on a set of criteria:

SELECT e FROM Entity e WHERE = :name AND e.age > :age

5. Choose entities in the following order:


where “ASC” stands for ascending order and “DESC” stands for descending order.

6. Choose a set number of entities:

SELECT e FROM Entity e LIMIT :limit

where “:limit” is a named parameter indicating the number of entities to retrieve.

These are just a few examples of JPA queries that make use of JPQL. JPQL is a rich and powerful query language that enables developers to retrieve data from databases in an efficient and flexible manner.



Chanuka Dinuwan
Chanuka Dinuwan

Written by Chanuka Dinuwan

Software Engineer | Cloud | DS & AI Enthusiast

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